Pangong Tso Lake 2022: At 4350 m It Will Take All Your Blues Away


How often do you wonder about a place that looks like a painting straight out of the canvas? Pangong Tso lake, a secluded water body tucked in the Himalayas, wears the deepest shade of azure and flaunts a beautiful scenery.

At a remarkable 14,270 feet, and 154 km to the southeast of Leh, Pangong lake is one of the most picturesque creations of nature. The 134 km long waterbody starts from eastern Ladakh and stretches up to Tibet. And the beauty is adorned with fluffy clouds and sharp mirror images of the overlooking mountains reflecting in the brackish water.

What Makes Pangong Tso Lake Special?

Clouds hovering atop Pangong lake in Leh

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Pangong lake in Ladakh is one of the highest endorheic brackish lakes and is also the most sought after attractions in the Trans-Himalayan region. Such is its allure that Pangong commands a dedicated itinerary from travel enthusiasts.

Experts recommend June – September as the best time to visit Pangong Lake. This is when the roads leading to Leh are clear; the sun shines brightly in the sky and the weather is as favorable as it gets. But..

Who cares! If you are looking at something more daunting and extreme, try visiting Leh Ladakh in winter i.e. December – February, when the lake is entirely frozen. The beauty of the lake is still unmatched and you can actually feel the bite as you walk across it.

Suggested Read: Fulfilling My Childhood Dream With A Trip To The Amazing Ladakh

Places To Visit Around Pangong Tso lake

Here is the list of places that you can visit near Pangong Tso Lake Ladakh on your next enticing vacation. Keep scrolling down and read along!

1. Khardung La Pass: The Highest Motorable Road In The World

Khardungla top enroute to Pangong Tso lake

2. Spangmik village: A Picturesque Dwelling Near Pangong

Picturesque Spangmik village near Pangong lake

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3. Chang-Chenmo Mountain Range Overlooking The Lake

Chang-Chenmo mountain range from Pangong lake

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4. Thiksey Monastery: Largest Monastery In The Central Ladakh

A view of Thiksey monastery in Ladakh

5. Hemis Monastery: A Peaceful Retreat

A view of Hemis monastery

Things To Do At Pangong Tso Lake

Apart from soaking in the awesomeness of this secluded haven, there isn’t much you need to do. As you head to Pangong Tso, you leave the material world 100 km behind. No mobile signal, no internet, and no ATM around as well, you see Pangong is the perfect place to admire nature at its best.

But there are places and experiences that refine your trip to Pangong Tso. Here are a few:

1. Spot The Rare Marmots: A Friend Waiting For Company

Travelers playing with marmots near Pangong lake

About 25 km before you reach Pangong Tso, you will come across a sign board that reads, ‘Stop here to see rare endemic species marmot’. These endemic rare marmots stay hidden in the potholes and come out often. All you need to do is patiently wait for them to come out.

Out of the 14 remaining species of marmots, only two – long-tailed marmot and the Himalayan marmot- are found in India.

2. Enjoy The Sight Of Migratory Birds: The Flying Bliss

Ruddy shelducks flying off at Pangong Tso lake

Pangong lake is a birder’s paradise too. Bird species like Bar-headed goose and Brahmini ducks stroll in the lake when the weather conditions are favorable. It’s a treat to watch them flock around the lake with raw mountains making the perfect frame. That’s picture perfect, right?

3. Ideal For Candid Photography: It’s Breathtakingly Beautiful

Photographer taking a picture of Pangong lake

Given the perfect assimilation of different elements of nature, Pangong Tso lake area makes for a photographer’s perfect muse. Leave the DSLRs alone – even if you take a selfie from an ordinary phone, the beauty of this place makes it look photoshopped. So, go on a photography spree and don’t let your finger rest on the snap button.

4. Army Cafeteria At Chang La Pass: Quick Bite!

Army cafeteria at Chang La Pass

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One must traverse the Chang La Pass before getting down in the valley and heading towards Pangong Tso. You will find army post at Chang La at an altitude of 5300 meters. Stop by to grab some quick bite at the army canteen there. Aloo parantha, toast, sandwich, tea, and Maggi are some of the easily available fast foods options.

5. Ice-hockey & Skating: Slide Across The Lake

People playing ice hockey on frozen Pangong Tso

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December to February is the ideal time to try some daring activities on the frozen Pangong Tso lake. This is when the extreme cold conditions turn the lake into a sheet of ice and allow you can trek, walk, play ice-hockey, and skate.

Must Read: Head To Ladakh In Winter For An Adventure Of A Lifetime

Places To Stay At Pangong Lake

A luxurious Pangong Retreat with mountains in the backdrop

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After the lake shot to fame from the movie 3 Idiots, people keep thronging the region to catch the unedited version of the lake right in front of their eyes. Given the growth of tourism in the region, a lot of hotels and homestays have come up near to Pangong Tso lake.

Here are top 5 hotels near Pangong lake in Ladakh where you can plan a comfortable stay:

1. Wonderland Camp

Wonderland Camp overlooking the Pangong lake in Leh

What’s special: Swiss cottage tents, camel safari in Nubra valley, rafting in Zanskar river

Tariff: INR 3900 per night onwards

Website | Reviews

2. Camp Redstart

Camp Redstart by the shores of Pangong lake

What’s special: Panoramic view of the lake, bird watching, fresh stream running through the camp

Tariff: INR 4200 per night onwards

Website | Reviews

3. Pangong Inn

The picturesque Pangong Inn in Leh

What’s special: Wood paneled room, exceptional view from the resort, modern amenities

Tariff: INR 3500 per night onwards

Website | Reviews

4. Pangong Retreat

A luxurious Pangong Retreat with mountains in the backdrop

What’s special: Comfortable canvas tent, snow-capped mountains in the backdrop

Tariff: INR 3900 per night onwards

Website | Reviews

5. Royal Camp

Camping made easy by Royal Camp in Leh

What’s special: Campfire, restaurant facility, cultural program

Tariff: INR 2100 per night onwards

Website | Reviews

Tips For Traveling To Pangong Lake

  • Proper acclimatization comes before anything as you plan to ride the highest motorable road in the world.
  • Moisturizer, sunscreen lotion, sunglasses, heavy woolen garments are a must.
  • Acute Mountain Sickness is the common phenomenon at these places. Carry first aid kit with medicines for nausea, headache, and vomiting.
  • Stay warm and hydrated.
  • Be a responsible traveler, don’t litter packets and wrappers anywhere.
  • Drive well within speed limits, the roads are too treacherous to handle.

How To Reach Pangong Lake

A traveler heading to Pangong Tso

During Summer:

By air: Reach Leh airport, which is well connected to other Indian cities

By rail: Jammu Tawi is the nearest railway station, 700 km from Ladakh

By road: Manali – Leh highway is the road that takes you to Leh Ladakh. Pangong lake is 200 km from Leh, which is a 4-hour ride.

During Winter:

Air and rail are the only two options left to breach Leh Ladakh in winter as Manali – Leh highway is all choked up and Rohtang Pass is closed.

Further Read: 10 Hotels In Leh Ladakh For A Cozy Stay: Luxury And Budget Options

However hard it is to conquer the formidable, once you reach the summit the sweet view of the pristine lake is worth all your perseverance and hardships that you went through to make it there. If this doesn’t intrigue you, nothing ever would. Pangong Tso therapy is all you need! So, think no more and plan holiday in Ladakh now!

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